Now part of 'My Sugar-free Life' Inner Circle membership, next round starting on Monday 18th January 2021 find out more HERE

Do you feel out of control with the amount of sugary food you are eating? Does it feel that you can go from one sugary treat to the next and maybe even forgo meals because of it?
Perhaps, like I did, you feel ashamed of how you eat and have become a secret eater, hiding the wrappers, even blaming the children while pretending you eat a wholesome, healthy diet.
Does it scare you that despite knowing exactly what you SHOULD be eating you turn to sugary food time and time again?
You can finish a whole packets of biscuits or crisps in minutes, a 6-pack of hot cross buns, you count the minutes until your work break so you can raid the vending machine, you search frantically through the cupboards after dinner for a quick sugar fix.
And it makes you feel rubbish about yourself, weak willed, bloated, fat, unlovable and completely and utterly overwhelmed with how to get a handle on breaking this disgusting habit.
… and yet you keep doing it and the pounds creep on, your brain becomes more and more foggy and you become more and more depressed and desperate.
Okay let’s take a big breath, pause and consider that...
- Research has shown sugar to be at least as addictive as cocaine.
- Processed carbohydrates such as flour, bread and pasta can have the same effect in your body as sugary food creating hormonal havoc and addiction.
- Supposed healthy foods are often full of hidden sugars, sugar is literally everywhere!
- Your gut bacteria may well be screaming for you to keep eating sugar (and it can feel deafening!)
- This IS a REAL addiction!
- This can be a tough nut to crack!

If you are despairing at this point please don’t be. Knowing all these things helped me understand it wasn’t my fault or that I was weak willed but rather that I had unwittingly set up a chemical sh** storm in my body that now needed unpicking. Here's my story, perhaps you can relate to some of it...
So perhaps you can see why I am passionate about sharing this information and why I'm inviting you to join me on this 9 week journey, YOUR sugar-free journey where you are supported to...
‘Nourish Yourself to Sugar-FREE-dom’
Read what past participants are saying about their experience...
Carol, I got brilliant news today. Thanks to living a sugar-free life my blood sugar levels are way down. They're the lowest they've been since I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 15 or so years ago. So much so that I'm not in the diabetic range any more! To say I'm thrilled is an understatement!!! I'm still a work in progress though as I'm now in the pre-diabetic range and my aim to to get down to the 'normal' range! Thank you so much for your support and I hope my story is an inspiration to others.... xx"- Lesley Scott, Fife, Scotland
I've just completed Carol Lee’s 6 week “Nourish Yourself to Sugar-FREE-dom” and it's one of the best online courses I have ever done. For me, it’s been transformational. With Carol’s expert guidance I have been able to change lifetime habits easily. My eyes have been opened to a layer of choices I’ve been making for years that have been compromising my energy and health. When I joined the course my physical and emotional energy were low and I was suffering with a skin condition I couldn’t shift. Now, I don’t feel I have “given up” the quick comfort of sugar but rather I have the joy of nourishing myself in a way which brings natural balance back into my whole being. Every day my energy is zinging and I feel light inside, my mental focus and access to wisdom have improved and my productivity in the work I love to do has doubled. I haven’t felt this good in years and this is just the beginning! For a long time I’ve been looking for a way of eating that will be sustainable over time and it’s been such a relief to find Carol. She combines passion with a gentle allowing which lifts a “diet” into an adventure of discovery and experimentation. She presents her lessons in an easily assimilated way, taking the learner step by step and providing heaps of support, so I never felt I was doing this alone. If you have been tempted to try Sugar-FREE- Dom I thoroughly recommend Carol Lee as your guide. - Rose Diamond, www.tribeintransition.net
...Carol you are a wonderful teacher guiding us through a gentle but deep process. I am actually amazed at my own strength in following the process and how much more ingredients I have opened myself up to use and thoroughly enjoying cooking up different foods. My partner is slowly taking on board that this is to be my lifestyle. I feel awesome inside and out. My taste buds no longer cry out for a sugar fix even after a main meal. I'm loving the freedom that actually gives me. So thank you for helping me on my journey to a better healthier version of me which is part of my bigger journey. My gut thanks you too, she feels incredible xx
(plus...) It was awesome, and supportive and life changing. It's not about lack, it's about love. Our body deserves it. I am not missing out and my world has been opened to the ingredients I can use that I just didn't before. I recommend this course to everyone - Deborah Whipday
I'd like to tell people here how this course has helped, and is helping me. I've had osteoarthritis in both hips for 15ish years. Walking has involved a lot of effort though xrays showed that it is not "bad enough" for hip replacement, despite this being the osteopath's advice. I started to try being sugar free hoping that one effect would be less pain and easier movement. And so it has proved to be. I haven't wanted to jinx it by writing it down before. Now it feels important to share it here, especially as 2 people have commented that my walking now looks easier.
It even made avoiding sugar during the whole Christmas eating bonanza easier as I so want the improvement to increase. My motivation is that I simply want to be able to go for a proper walk, as I used to.
I keep noticing how movements that were previously painful and/or difficult are now easy and pain free. I'm delighted.
So huge thanks to Carol for guiding me through the sugar free way of life. And very good luck to anyone deciding to give it a try. Xx Biddy Chalmers, Totnes, UK
Carol's support from the start of my sugar-free journey has been, and is, wonderfully helpful. She is very compassionate and non-judgmental - encouraging in easy doable steps that I could take and praising hugely those steps I took, which helped me continue with my journey and it became easier to do. Carol had lots of ideas and suggestions of ways to succeed, indeed she sets you up to succeed. I could not have done it without her support.' - Victoria
For me, this course has been life changing! Despite my efforts towards healthy eating, never once did I consider the effects of sugar!' - Madeleine, Switzerland
' have fewer hot flushes, and each is less intense. I have more energy and less aches and pains. Extremely beneficial and I would whole-heartedly recommend this course' - Suzanne,West Kent, UK
'I thought it was a brilliant course, very informative, I loved the week where you shared how to make fermented foods/ drinks. It has also comforted me that I am not the only one finding giving up sugar difficult'- Jo, Devon
For me, this course has been life changing! Despite my efforts towards healthy eating, never once did I consider the effects of sugar!' - Madeleine, Switzerland
' have fewer hot flushes, and each is less intense. I have more energy and less aches and pains. Extremely beneficial and I would whole-heartedly recommend this course' - Suzanne,West Kent, UK
'I thought it was a brilliant course, very informative, I loved the week where you shared how to make fermented foods/ drinks. It has also comforted me that I am not the only one finding giving up sugar difficult'- Jo, Devon

Get new planner pages each week to help you plan and keep on track!
This course is different; it encourages you to slowly, and sustainably, change how you eat at your own pace. I show you how to add-in foods gradually that will help your body and brain repair and heal, as well as let go of the sugar and processed carbohydrates that reek havoc in the body. I will share...
- Simple naturopathic techniques that will help you deal with cravings
- Mindset techniques that will keep you feeling positive on the inevitable blaaaah days.
- Delicious, nutritious 'cheat sheets' that will help you make add-ins to your meals easily.
- The science of what is happening in your body and brain so you can start to trust your beautiful body to do its thing.
- Recipes, simple meal plans and help to plan a new sugar-free store cupboard
- My knowledge and experience; I’m available everyday in the private support group offering advice and support when you need it
AND ...I really know exactly how you feel and I also know you can DO IT!
Have a look inside, it's now on a new platform but the content is the same!
Come and join me! Make a choice to love yourself more than you love the sweet white stuff!
It’s time to make peace with food and friends with your body.
Course Overview
*please note depending on the groups needs the order of the content may change
Prepare Body, Mind and Fridge
I'm Ready to add-in!
Weight balance & Sugar-free
Greens and Raw Goodies
Heal your Gut
The Next Stage
'I think it speaks for itself when I say that I have now done this course twice!
The first time armed me with the knowledge and confidence to eliminate sugar from my food, whilst adding more nourishing alternatives. Initially, the decision to become sugar-free left me feeling a little lost, but with Carol's knowledge, experience, guidance, recipe suggestions and step-by-step, week-by-week support, it couldn't have been easier. The health benefits became apparent quite early on during the first course, when my debilitating menopausal hot flushes reduced in frequency and intensity. My aches and pains reduced and I had much more energy and motivation than I had for some years.
I'm so glad I registered to do the course again; there was so much information I had forgotten, in addition to having the benefit of learning from the other participants on the course, and finding increased motivation to stay sugar-free. I will register again when the wonderful Carol Lee launches another course and will continue to nourish myself to sugar-free-dom as a lifelong work in progress' - Suzanne, West Kent, U.K.
I feel amazing, actually, the biggest change is waking up in the morning before the alarm goes and feeling wide awake and ready for the day. I have had 2 big blips, I have started a Masters course and was an university for a week in a b&b and trying to buy food on the hop, then I had a few days in London last week...same thing, pasta, sandwiches, pizza etc but each time got back on track once home. One thing I noticed earlier was that I went to get petrol, bought some tea bags and didn't even hesitate with buying chocolate or crisps even though I have a day of study today so will be at home...would have bought chocolate to get me through at one point point. I have also lost weight, although am not focusing on that. I have been running, going to spin classes and started an earlier morning yoga group yesterday as I am so awake in the morning thought I could take it on. So thank you, it's been great and I hopefully will continue. - Louise, Barnstaple U.K

If you are not sure which level of support to go for I am happy to jump on a Zoom call with you.
Looking forward to hearing from you, with love Carol.