It's time to make peace with food and friends with your body
Perhaps, like me, you have felt some of these...
'I think I eat healthily but I’m still overweight and can’t seem to lose it, diets just don’t seem to work for me!'
'I know the way I eat is affecting my health and wellbeing; I’d like to understand why so I can change it'
'I’m completely confused about what is good and healthy to eat and what isn’t, and the packaging on food is really hard to understand'
'Food these days seems very complicated; I need simple, quick ways that I can make a difference to my health and wellbeing without breaking the bank'
'I’d like to eat a lot less sugar, or even give it up, but just the thought makes me feel stressed, and doesn’t everything have sugar in these days?'
'I feel so out of step with my body, there has to be a more connected, natural way to eat that doesn’t just mean living on lettuce'

I work with predominantly women who feel confused, stuck, frustrated and despondent about food, their relationship with food and their bodies.
You may have health concerns, weight you want to lose, families and loved ones you want to feed with delicious, nutritious food.
I get it, you just want to feel better, more informed and have a plan!!
The motivation and passion I feel for my work comes from knowing exactly how you feel. My relationship with food has been an ongoing journey/battle/adventure and quest for knowledge so I could understand what was going on in my body (you can read more HERE). Now I love to share on what I have learnt.
How I work...
My approach to health and nutrition is completely holistic meaning that I consider all aspects of your being, you are a WHOLE person after all! We will talk about:
- Your body and any physical symptoms
- Your mind and your mental health
- Your emotions and how you feel day-to-day
- Your spiritual life and how you express your uniqueness in the world
I bring together my knowledge and experience of:
- Nutrition
- Naturopathy and working with the natural cycles (seasons and moon phases)
- The Chinese Five elements, Acupuncture theory and the meridian system
- Kinesiology muscle testing and energy healing
Click HERE for more information about each of these.
Working with your Body at your Pace... a Marathon not a Sprint
Allowing your body to heal and rebalance can take time, so for this reason I prefer to work with people over several sessions.
We will work together on the fundamentals of good health; hydration, balancing blood sugar, healthy fats, introducing nutrient dense food, improving digestion and gut health plus I will prescribe some supplements if necessary. If we are working together face to face I may also use Kinesiology muscle testing as this is a great way to communicate directly with your body.
Here are some common areas people like to work on with me:
Weight Balance, Menopause, Health and Vitality, Starting YOUR Sugar-free Journey
You can contact me below to book or to get a complimentary half hour Zoom session...