'I wish I could get a handle of my eating habits', 'I wish I could show up in my business more', 'I wish I could kick this sugar habit', 'Why do I keep attracting uncommitted men?', 'I wish I valued and cared for myself more', 'Why can't I lose this weight, what am I doing wrong?', 'How do I set better boundaries for myself?'.
All these journeys started with just one step...
Hi I'm Carol and I love my work supporting people to find their next step on their life path and to express their true self. This could be around resetting sugar-full eating habits, addressing health concerns or building a business; in fact any area of your life where you feel stuck but want change and transformation. Someone described my work as 'therapy on steroids but in a gentle way'. I use a powerful synergy of energy healing techniques based around Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture points and Energy Meridians. These techniques help to reconnect you with your innate body wisdom and balance; from this place of balance your next step becomes clear and you start to really live your unique life. I share my work through my courses, teaching, mentoring and individual sessions.
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost ”- Martha Graham
You can get a taster of the principles behind how I work below for free…
Welcome to my corner of cyberspace; In non cyber land I live in beautiful Mid Devon, in the South West of the U.K. and over the years I've asked all those same questions of myself. Now I have a growing, thriving business doing work I love, a loving, committed partner, I am a healthy balanced weight for me and I live a sugar-freedom lifestyle. Of course everything isn't perfect but I feel 'on track', like I know my next step to take and I celebrate that everyday! All these jigsaw pieces of my life slotting together easily still often feel like a miracle, but actually they are just the result of me working on what was getting in my way, or rather how I was getting in my own way!
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