Eating with the seasons can be so much more than eating food that is in season. It can also be about matching the energy of the season to how we eat; when we are able to do this there is less stress and more harmony within our body. Autumn is linked to the Metal element in Traditional Chinese Medicine and we can use the Metal qualities to guide us; we can eat more seasonally in the following ways:
- Eat more pungent or spicy foods, these help balance the descending nature of the seasonal energy by bringing in heat
- Eat more fermented or cultured foods and this really nourishes our bowel, the foundation place of good health
- Eat more white foods, these match the colour associated with the Autumn
- Eat more food that grows in the ground and so has a more contracted nature
- Of course eat more food that naturally grows around you at this time of year
Try and do one of these every day to bring natural balance.
with love Carol xx