If we consider the energetic of food rather than just the calorific value of what we are eating then food takes on a whole new level of interest. If we go one step further and consider food in respect of Chinese Medicine Five Element theory then we can also take seasonal eating to a whole new level.
White vegetables are linked to the Metal element in Chinese medicine and this element is also linked to the Autumn time. Naturally white vegetables are known to support the immune system; garlic, leeks and onions in particular have antimicrobial qualities and cauliflower is high in vitamin C.
Leeks, onions and garlic are prebiotics so nourishing the healthy bowel flora. Sauerkraut, made from white cabbage, is packed with probiotic boosting our immune system and supporting mental health and well being.
Warm Cauliflower & Spinach Salad
- 1 onion – finely sliced
- 1 small cauliflower (or half a large one) – divided into small florets, stalks and tiny leaves shredded
- 200g spinach - shredded (if young leaves use the whole leaf, or if large ones, remove stalks first)
- Olive oil
Gently sweat the onions for 5 mins until soft
Add the cauliflower and continue to sweat for a few mins
Add a splash (about 100ml) of water to help soften and stop from sticking.
Cook for further 8-10 mins until cauliflower is just tender
Add spinach and simmer for 5 mins more until cooked.
Remove from heat and make dressing :
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tbsp chopped parsley
- 2 tbsp chopped mint
- 1 tbsp tahini (sesame seed paste)
- 1 tsp ground black pepper
Combine all ingredients together and mix into the vegetables. Serve with brown basmati rice cooked with 2 cardamom pods and some freshly steamed asparagus for a delicious, seasonal, flavour-packed, quick meal.