Look after your energy levels!
Before Christmas we are all generally bonkers, racing around, grabbing food and then slumping at the end of the day. Nutritious food doesn’t have to be complicated; it can be as simple as a baked potato with a huge mixed salad on the side or a simple soup. I very often make my veggie soups in a ‘throw-it-in-all-at-once’ kind of way, so once it is all in the pan I just leave it to cook so often the prep time is less than 10 minutes. I made this one last night and it was delicious!
Golden Spice soup
• 3 carrots
• ½ butternut squash
• ½ large sweet potato
• 2 medium onions
• 2 cloves of garlic
• ½ mug of yellow sweet peas
• ¼ can of coconut milk
• 1 tsp of coriander
• 1 tsp of cumin
• 1 tsp of turmeric
Put is all into a large saucepan with enough water to cover and then half again, allow to simmer for about an hour until the split peas are cooked and falling apart, then blend until smooth.