Happy full moon everyone (at 15.53 UK time 19/2/2019), I love the gentle rhythm of the moon and then when we layer this on top of the seasonal rhythm we get a powerful template for nourishing ourselves on all levels throughout the year.
The Winter full moon's soft illumination allows us to connect with the deep water within, that hidden flowing place, the deep water table that nourishes us at the deepest level and enables us to connect with our dreams for the year ahead.
So in the fullness of today's moon you can explore the following...
- How is my energy level? Am I able to connect to a deep well of energy within if I need to?
- Can I connect to my full, 'plumped out' dream I have for the year ahead? How can I build on it over the next month before Spring action energy comes in? Make the most of the remaining dreamtime!
- Today is the time when we can absorb most fully, the positive ions that predominate bring 'stickiness'. So today nourish yourself with delicious nutritious food, try this carrot and beetroot salad. Eating root vegetables at this time of year connects us to the deep dark energy of the soil which mimics Winter.