Prioritise your own food needs and wants and make a plan!
Lots of us think of everyone else’s food needs before their own and this is even more true at Christmas time. As a single mum for years I have had to ‘train’ myself to focus on putting as much energy into nourishing myself as I have into nourishing my children especially as they often don’t want to eat the same as me. For a long time I would ‘make do’ but now I make meals that can be easily adapted and buy some food that is just for me and this gets even harder when we bring sugar-freedom into the mix!
So this is what these 12 days are all about, finding a way to nourish ourselves so we can then nourish others, all while staying as sugar-free as we want or need to be.
So how are you approaching this season of excess sugar?
- 'business as usual'
- I'm hoping off the wagon, I'll be back on in January!
- I'm mix and matching, I know where my weaknesses are and will stay away from these things but will give myself some slack in other areas
- Something else
Please note there are no right and wrongs, conscious eating is the way forward.
Golden Roasties
This simple veg accompaniment really adds dramatic colourful impact on the plate and brings warmth and comfort, which is often what we need this time of year!
- 1 onion – chopped fairly roughly
- 1 medium squash (butternut if they are still around or I find the crown prince/queensland blue are the best at being stored.
- 1 medium swede
- 2 carrots
- 3 or 4 cloves of garlic (optional)
- Handful of sesame seeds
- Olive oil
- Cube all the orange veg
- Place in a baking pan with the onion and whole garlic
- Sprinkle with sesame seeds
- Coat in olive oil and roast in a moderate oven for about 30 mins until all veg are tender.